
Current Name: Mistyshade
Other Names, if any: Mistykit, Mistypaw
Age (in moons): 21 moons
Gender: female [MtF]
Sexual Orientation: straight
Creation Date: May 2021

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: ThunderClan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): N/A
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): N/A
Mother (s): N/A
Sibling(s): N/A [Open]
Offspring: N/A

Best Friend(s): N/A [Open]
Friend(s): N/A [Open]
Neutral: N/A [Open]
Acquaintance(s): N/A [Open]
Enemies: Lionstorm [ @/BILL. ] [Open]

Crush: N/A [Open]
Significant Other: N/A [Open]


Overview: [That sums it up]


~+~ Patient | Loyal | Quick-witted

~=~ Proud | Tough | Determined

~-~ Insecure [sometimes] | Easily Angered | Unforgiving

Mental Age: 30 moons
Psychiatric Complications: N/A
Phobias: Fear of Spiders

Sociability: 7/10
Outlook: Optimistic
Responsibility: 10/10
Cleanliness: 5/10
Generosity: 8/10
Manners: 9/10
Bravery: 6/10
More Logical or More Emotional?: A formidable mix of both

Favorite Season: New-leaf
Favorite Food(s): Mouse, squirrel
Favorite Word: Thunder
Favorite Sound: The sound of birds chirping on a fresh day

Greatest Hope: To serve her clan well, possibly become deputy?
Greatest Strength: Hunting, being there for her clan
Greatest Weakness: When she's bullied
Worst Nightmare: To see her clan die
Deepest Darkest Secret: N/A [For now...]
Most Treasured Memory: Being accepted as female


Place of Birth: ThunderClan nursery
Date of Birth: I don't know
Former rank(s): kit, apprentice
Beliefs: StarClan, The Dark Forest

Physical Traits

Fur Color(s): black
Fur Texture: soft, siky
Fur Length: average, though long at tail
Markings: White paws and tail-tip
Eye Color: fern green

Body Type/Structure: lean
Scent: Like you're in the heart of TC, comfortable

Scars / Deformities: A scar across her right shoulder, though it's faded
Diseases / Conditions: N/A

Coordination: 7/10
Reflexes: 9/10
Strength: 8/10

Image(s): TBA